Class VIII : A Visit to Cambridge - Comprehension Questions

Statement : Firdaus Kanga is an Indian writer and journalist.
Which place did Kanga visit in England?
Did he visit Oxford or Cambridge?
What did Cambridge stand for, according to Kanga?
Where is Cambridge?
Statement : Firdaus Kanga visited Cambridge as part of his tour.
Did Kanga visit Stephen Hawking in Oxford or Cambridge?
Where did Kanga meet Stephen Hawking?
Statement : Cambridge is symbolic of England.
Did the writer meet Stephen Hawking in Oxford?
Whom did the writer meet in Cambridge?
What made the writer change his idea of Cambridge?
Statement : Firdaus Kanga met Stephen Hawking in Cambridge.
Did the writer think Cambridge stands for England or something else after meeting Hawking?
Statement : For Kanga, Cambridge no more stands for England after meeting Stephen Hawking.

Statement: Firdaus Kanga went round Cambridge in his wheel chair.
Statement : He was accompanied by a guide
Did he plan to visit Stephen Hawking?
Who reminded him of Stephen Hawking?
When did he remind him of Stephen Hawking?
Did the guide know about Stephen Hawking?
Who did Kanga engage to take him round Cambridge?
Was Stephen Hawking the Prime Minister of England?
Was he the mayor of Cambridge?
Statement: Stephen Hawking occupied the same position in Cambridge which had been Newton's once.
Was Stephen Hawking a scientist or a Mayor?
Where did Stephen Hawking work?
Was Newton a successor of Stephen Hawking?
Was Stephen Hawking as great as Newton?
Statement : Stephen Hawking was quite disabled.
Was Newton a philosopher or a scientist?
Where did Newton and Hawking work?
Did the the guide pity Hawking?
Why did the guide sympathise with Newton?
Who was disabled - Hawking or Newton?

Statement : Firdaus Kanga shook a little when the name of Hawking was mentioned.
Did Kanga know about Stephen Hawking?
Did he meet Hawking before?
Was he happy to meet Stephen Hawking or shocked?
Statement: Stephen Hawking was a brilliant scientist.
Was Hawking a healthy man?
Statement: Hawking was the author of the book ' A Brief History of Time'.
Was Stephen Hawking an unknown scientist or a popular scientist?
Did his book go unsold?
Where did Stephen Hawking live?
Did Stephen Hawking work in spite of his disability?
Did Hawking write about his disability in his book 'A Brief History of Time'?
Was Hawking only an author?
Was Hawking only a scientist?
Statement: Stephen Hawking was popular scientist and his book 'A Brief History of Time' was bought by many.

Firdaus Kanga visited Cambridge as a part of his tour.
Did he walk on foot to go site-seeing?
Where did he go site-seeing?
Who accompanied him in Cambridge?
Who called Stephen Hawking for appointment - Firdaus Kanga or the guide?
Did the writer contact Hawking using his mobile?
Where did he make a call from?
Statement : The writer could not enter the phone booth as it was too small for his wheel chair.
Who received the writer's call?
Where did the writer make a call from?
Did the writer interview Hawking through his phone?
Did the writer need an appointment to meet Hawking?
What was the writer going to write next?
Who received his phone call?
Which country did the writer visit to describe his travels?
How much time did Firdus Kanga ask Hawking's assistant for his interview ?
Whom did he contact to meet Stephen Hawking?
Statement : The writer was given 20 minutes extra time to talk to Stephen.
Did the writer ask for 30 minutes to talk to Stephen?
Who was eager to see Stephen - the writer or the guide?
Statement: Firdaus Kanga was given 30 minutes to talk to  Stephen Hawking.
Was the guide eager to see Stephen Hawking?
Statement: The narrator was given 20 minutes extra time to talk to Stephen Hawking while he asked for only 10 minutes.
Between what time was the writer allowed to see Stephen Hawking?
Was he asked to meet Hawking at 10 that night?
Who fixed the appointment?
Did Kanga talk to Hawking for appointment?
Did Hawking receive phone calls?

Statement: Firdaus Kanga was successful in getting an appointment with Stephen Hawking.
How did he feel on getting the appointment?
Was he unhappy at the appointment?
Was he afraid of meeting Hawking?
Did he feel nervous at the idea of talking to Stephen Hawking?
Who was feeling weak on getting the appointment, Mr Kanga or Stephen Hawking?
Statement: Physically disabled people receive friendly advice from others.
Do disabled people like taking advice?
Are they tired of advice or do they love taking advice?
Are disabled people physically weaker?
Are disabled people mentally weaker?
What advise is given to the disabled people frequently?
Is courage a quality credited by people in their  bank accounts?
Do disabled people have more courage in their bank accounts than ordinary people?
Do you think ordinary people are more courageous than disabled people?
What do people withdraw from their bank accounts?
What do people need to withdraw from their bank accounts?
When do people withdraw money?
Do people withdraw courage from their accounts when necessary?
Do disabled people not like withdrawing courage from their accounts?
Statement: Advice from people can be boring sometimes.
Statement: People are motivated when they see others who have achieved huge.
What motivates people usually?
Does seeing people who have not achieved anything praiseworthy motivate us?
Are big achievers more motivating or less motivating?
Does watching ordinary people motivate the disabled?
Do people who achieve huge look physically different from others?
Statement: Huge achievers show us how much is possible.
What do huge achievers show us?
What lesson do we learn from huge achievers?
Does learning how much is possible motivate us or discourage us?
What encourages us to work harder?
Statment: We do not how much we can achieve.
Do people always know what they are capable of achieving?

Was Stephen Hawking braver than other people?
What was the choice before Hawking, to suffer from his illness or to be brave?
Was Stephen Hawking able to communicate normally?
What answered for Stephen Hawking?
Did Stephen Hawking take his assistant's help to answer?
Did his voice communicate his feelings?
Why did his voice fail to communicate his feelings?
Do people use computer to talk to others?
Why did Stephen Hawking use a computer to respond to others?
Did Hawking answer through his assistant or a computer?
Did the computer-voice resemble Hawking's voice?
Do you think a computer-voice is capable of expressing our emotions?
Was using a computer-voice a fad or necessity for Hawking?
Why did he use a computer-voice?
What was the choice before Hawking - being brave or surrendering to his illness?
What did he fight against?
Did Kanga meet Hawking on the day he had made a call for appointment?
When was he given an appointment?
Did Hawking answer his questions directly?
According to Kanga, what was the reality about Stephen Hawking?
Did Hawking let his illness take control him?
What choice did Hawking make?
Did Kanga enjoy interviewing Stephen Hawking?
Was Hawking comfortable in answering Kanga's questions?
Did Kanga regret asking him questions?
Statement: Stephen Hawking took time to answer Kanga's questions.
Did he respond to Kanga's questions?
What was there in Hawking's fingers?
What did he do with the little switch?
What was installed on his chair?
Did Hawking type the answers or did he choose the words on the screen?
Did Hawking enjoy selecting the words on the screen?
What helped him select the words that appeared on the screen?
Statement: Stephen Hawking was able to move his fingers to use the switch in his hand.
What was noticeable about his fingers?
Did they show Stephen Hawking was healthy or unhealthy?
What was causing him difficulty?
How did Kanga understand Stephen Hawking's discomfort?
Was Hawking feeling frustrated at answering the queries or was he lively and enthusiastic?
Was he able to move his body?
What was his only ability?
Statement: Hawking's eyes show tiredness as he answered Kanga's questions.
Was Kanga able to understand Hawking's discomfort?
What was compared to a corpse - Hawking's mind or his answers to Kanga's queries?
Were his thoughts that came out match his mind?
Was his mind cheerful or frozen?
Is a corpse supposed to be active or frozen?
Statement : Stephen Hawking's replies did not match with the vibrancy of his mind.

Does disability make the disabled people unhappy?
Does chronic illness last for a long time?
Are people always happy?
Are people always unhappy?
Are the disabled people always unhappy?
Do the abled people have their moments of sadness?
Do the disabled people have their moments of happiness?
Statement: Firdaus Kanga believes that disabled people are not  chronically unhappy.
Is Kanga always unhappy at his disability?
What is people's mistaken idea about the happiness of disabled people?

How much time did Hawking take to answer the latest question?
How do people treat Hawking?
Do people laugh at him?
Do people feel sympathise with him?
Do people show readiness to help him?
Do people normally sympathise with the disabled?
Did Hawking feel angry at being helped?
Did he discourage people who tried to help him?
Did he enjoy being helped by others?

Did Hawking enjoy giving interviews to people?
Was he comfortable in giving interviews?
Where did Kanga meet Stephen Hawking?
Did the interviewers help Hawking in his work?
Did visits of people for interviews disturb Hawking or motivate him?
Statement:  Hawking was not always happy to give interviews.

Was Stephen Hawking annoyed when somebody disturbed him in his work for interviews?
How much time did he take to answer the latest question?
Was Hawking frank in his answers?
Was he amused at responding to Kanga's latest question?
Was Kanga fascinated by Stephen Hawking?
What was attractive about Hawking at that moment?
Did his smile annoy Kanga?
Statement: Kanga was attracted by Stephen Hawking's smile.
How did Hawking appear to Kanga?
What made Kanga think Stephen Hawking was one of the most beautiful men in the world?
Did Kanga think he was stupid in praising the charm of Hawking?
When did Hawking appear charming to Kanga?
Did Hawking find Kanga's latest question easy to answer?
Who usually annoyed  Hawking?

Was Hawking a sight attractive enough or saddening enough?
What was Kanga's reaction at meeting Hawking?
What was shocking about Stephen Hawking's presence?
Statement: Stephen Hawking was still like a photograph.
Where do we usually find Hawking's photographs?
Does a photograph have life?
What is the difference between a two-dimensional and  a three-dimensional picture?
Is the text on your page two-dimensional or three-dimensional?
Is a photograph two-dimensional or three-dimensional?
What is the difference between Hawking's pictures in the magazine and his real physical presence?
What is common between the two?
What is uncommon between the two?

Could Hawking hold his head erect?
Why did his head twist sideways into a slump?
Is torso the part of our body above our shoulders or trunk?
Could Hawking move his legs?
Why were his legs described as 'wasted'?
Was Hawking blind or able to see?
What did his eyes convey to Kanga?
Was he able to read Hawking's eyes?
Statement: Kanga was deeply moved at seeing Stephen Hawking.
Was Kanga ready for the emotional experience he might experience in his meeting with Hawking?
Was his meeting with Hawking ordinary or unusual?
Was Stephen Hawking an ordinary disabled person?
What was striking about the expression in his eyes?

Statement: Firdaus Kanga believed that physical body of a person was not very important.
What was Stephen Hawking's body compared to?
What was important about a lamp - its walls or the light it sheds?
What was irrelevant about Hawking?
Statement : According to Firdaus Kanga, the light inside one is what each one of is.
What was the thing about him that fascinated Stephen Hawking?
Was an accessory something essential?
Are external speakers for a computer essential or only accessories?

Do disabled people have any advantages?
Do disabled people take pride in their disabilities?
Stephen Hawking believed that there was not anything good about being disabled.
Do disadvantaged people help us measure kindness in the world?
Statement: People can be judged from their attitude and treatment of the disabled.

Did the computer speak for Stephen Hawking?
Was the voice synthesiser able to covey Hawking's emotions?
Does the voice synthesiser match with human voice?
Statement: Firdaus Kanga was unable to understand the expression behind Hawking's answers.


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