Class VIII The School Boy by William Blank - Phonetic Transcription of the Text

The Last Bargain

-       Rabindranath Tagore

William Blakeˈwɪljəm bleɪk 

The Schoolboyðə ˈskuːlbɔɪ 

From Songs of Experiencefrɒm sɒŋz ɒv ɪksˈpɪərɪəns 

I love to rise in a summer morn, lʌv tuː raɪz ɪn ə ˈsʌmə mɔːn
When the birds sing on every tree;wɛn ðə bɜːdz sɪŋ ɒn ˈɛvri triː
The distant huntsman winds his horn,ðə ˈdɪstənt ˈhʌntsmən wɪndz hɪz hɔːn
And the skylark sings with me:ænd ðə ˈskaɪlɑːk sɪŋz wɪð miː
O what sweet company!əʊ wɒt swiːt ˈkʌmpəni

But to go to school in a summer morn, -bʌt tuː gəʊ tuː skuːl ɪn ə ˈsʌmə mɔːn, - 
O it drives all joy away!əʊ ɪt draɪvz ɔːl ʤɔɪ əˈweɪ
Under a cruel eye outworn,ˈʌndəə krʊəl  aʊtˈwɔːn
The little ones spend the dayðə ˈlɪtl wʌnz spɛnd ðə deɪ 
In sighing and dismay.ɪn ˈsaɪɪŋ ænd dɪsˈmeɪ

Ah then at times I drooping sit,ɑː ðɛn æt taɪmz  ˈdruːpɪŋ sɪt
And spend many an anxious hour;ænd spɛnd ˈmɛni ən ˈæŋkʃəs ˈaʊə
Nor in my book can I take delight,nɔːɪn maɪ bʊk kæn  teɪk dɪˈlaɪt
Nor sit in learning's bower,nɔː sɪt ɪn ˈlɜːnɪŋz ˈbaʊə
Worn through with the dreary shower.wɔːn θruː wɪð ðə ˈdrɪəri ˈʃaʊə

How can the bird that is born for joyhaʊ kæn ðə bɜːd ðæt ɪz bɔːn fɔː ʤɔɪ 
Sit in a cage and sing?sɪt ɪn ə keɪʤ ænd sɪŋ
How can a child, when fears annoy,haʊ kæn ə ʧaɪldwɛn fɪəz əˈnɔɪ
But droop his tender wing,bʌt druːp hɪz ˈtɛndə wɪŋ
And forget his youthful spring!ænd fəˈgɛt hɪz ˈjuːθfʊl sprɪŋ

O father and mother if buds are nipped,əʊ ˈfɑːðəænd ˈmʌðəɪf bʌdz ɑː nɪpt
And blossoms blown away;ænd ˈblɒsəmz bləʊn əˈweɪ
And if the tender plants are strippedænd ɪf ðə ˈtɛndə plɑːnts ɑː strɪpt 
Of their joy in the springing day,ɒv ðeə ʤɔɪ ɪn ðə ˈsprɪnʤɪŋ deɪ
By sorrow and care's dismay, -baɪ ˈsɒrəʊ ænd keəz dɪsˈmeɪ, - 

How shall the summer arise in joy,haʊ ʃæl ðə ˈsʌməəˈraɪz ɪn ʤɔɪ
Or the summer fruits appear?ɔː ðə ˈsʌmə fruːts əˈpɪə
Or how shall we gather what griefs destroy,ɔː haʊ ʃæl wiː ˈgæðə wɒt griːfs dɪsˈtrɔɪ
Or bless the mellowing year,ɔː blɛs ðə ˈmɛləʊɪŋ jɪə
When the blasts of winter appear?wɛn ðə blɑːsts ɒv ˈwɪntəəˈpɪə


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