Class VIII Listening Test 9.1

Listening Test 9.1
Fill in the blanks as you listen to the audio. The audio will be played only twice.
There is a snow storm in (1) ………………………... The storm is very bad. Thirteen people die. More than (2) ………………………... people are injured. It snows a lot. Thirteen inches (33 centimetres)  of snow fall. The snow falls on one area. The area was hit by the (3) ………………………... in 2011. Some people cannot get to work. Many flights are cancelled. It is not easy to get to Tokyo’s centre. Strong (4) ………………………... take down power lines. More than 20000 houses have no (5) ………………………... . The weather is getting better. It will get warmer
A boy couldn’t hear from the time that he was born. He is (6) ………………………... years old now. Doctors in the (7) ………………………... helped him. The video shows the moment when the boy hears his (8) ………………………...  speak for the first time. The boy got a special implant. The doctors will test if the implant is good for children. The doctors connected the implant directly with the boy’s (9)………………………... . The boy will now learn how to speak.
A bus in Turkey crashes. There are (10)………………………... tourists inside. Security cameras film it. Nothing hits the bus. But it is not OK and it falls on its side. A teenager and an old woman (11) ………………………... . Twenty-five people are injured. Everybody on the bus is from Scandavania. We don’t know what it is wrong with the bus. (12) ………………………... want to know. They are investigating it.
Here is some news from (13) ………………………... . A man makes a video. It is filmed on a motorway. The video shows a car. The car is going the wrong way. It is going about (14) ………………………... per hour (80 kilometres per hour). This is a very dangerous situation. Other cars must move away.  Two men talk about this. One cannot believe it. The police stopped the car. The  (15) ………………………... will lose his or her driving license.
An artist makes an animation. She is from Britain. She (16) ………………………...  her face and takes a photograph of it. then she paints her (17) ………………………... again. The second picture of her face is a little bit different. She takes a photograph again. She does this (18) ………………………... times. She works 17 hours a day for (19)  ………………………... days. The pictures are put together. They are played fast. It looks like a (20) ……………………….... The animation is very interesting. It is about rebirth and transfer of energy.
People find something amazing in Britain. They find  very old (21) ……………………….... footprints. The footprints are very special. They are the oldest footprints (22) ………………………....  Europe. Older footprints are only in Africa. Scientists take pictures of the footprints. They use the pictures (23) ……………………….... a model. There’s a conference in London. The pictures (24) ………………………....the models are shown there. Most of the footprints are children’s. This is a great discovery. It gives us new information. We will understand (25) ……………………….... better


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